Thursday, August 7, 2008

everything in its right place

i tend to put people and places into easily understood and stackable boxes. i am currently in the process of doing this with dc, beginning with the breaking down of the geography of the city into easily digested morsels.

i live in gentrification land. from what i can tell it is centered around u street and sucks in more of the surrounding neighborhoods everyday. 'gentriland' can be easily identified by the young white couples with strollers, strolling past crack houses in various states of disrepair and operation. these white folk are very proud of their ability to live in such a neighborhood and are happy to be doing their part to raise up the common folk around them as well as the property values.

17th street and dupont of course are 'faggotland'. here you will find tourists and lots of gays, many of them sporting serious, dour looks on their faces as they rush by you on their way to where ever it is that is so clearly VITAL for them to get to. based on the focused looks on their faces one might think that these gays were rushing home to remove the dildo they had forgotten was lodged in their ass by one of their many random sex partners from the night before, but really they are just very, very busy and need a starbucks, like yesterday.

the circle is also home to many interesting homeless people, one of whom, had the good hearted nature to let me know that there was 100,000$ hit out on me and that i should get out of the city ASAP. this was of course, on my first night in town, i momentarily considered his warning before deciding that i would chance it.

up the hill from u as the numbers on the streets get lower, and once you pass the new shopping mecca, (dont you just love having a target right down the street??) you enter what many call columbia heights, but what i refer to as 'hispanosland'. hispanosland is marked by lots of hispanic men and women generally enjoying life. i really like this part of town because these are people who do not live with the same sense of pretense that i and the rest of this town seem to.

music blares here and people dance in the streets. good smelling food is always cooking and the bars are cheap and open late. sure there is the occaisional cat call or knifing, but ya take the good, ya take the bad right?

so that is the city of dc to me so far, i will further update you folks when i have made further classifications and boxes. who knows maybe ill pigeonhole you and yours next.